
Now & Next Application Support: A Guide to Budgets

Part of Now & Next

20 May 2020

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Takahiko Iimura, 2 mins. 46sec. 16 frames , 1972. Courtesy of the artist and LUX.
https://​vimeo​.com/​4​2​0​9​99591Now & Next aims to support Scotland-based artists from a wide range of disciplines to make high quality short audio or audio-visual content for BBC platforms, offering the opportunity to widen your networks, gain mentorship and support to develop your ideas and realise them to broadcast standard.

Now & Next BSL information video by EJ Raymond, Founder of Turtléar.

As part of our series of events to support artists in making applications to Now & Next, LUX Scotland is offering a webinar on the basics of how to put together a budget for a short moving image or audio project.

The session was led by Annie Crabtree, LUX Scotland Project Coordinator, and is aimed at people who have little experience of putting together budgets for creative projects, addressing frequently asked questions about the content and formatting of budgets, and will run through examples and general information on budgeting before opening up to questions from participants.

Zoom has the option of live captions and a Q&A section. This event will be BSL interpreted provided by Sign Live. The event will be recorded and this recording and a transcript will be made available afterwards. We will be in touch with you prior to the meeting to provide an online link and phone-in option, and to arrange any support needed to participate.

Please note, we cannot review your budgets or proposals in advance of submitting your application to Now & Next.

Find out more about the opportunity and how to apply here.

We ask that all participants are respectful and listen to the facilitators and other participants. An attendee list will be circulated to all participants in advance of each event. At the beginning of events we will introduce the facilitator and panelists. During the event Q&A, we ask that you use the Q&A option in Zoom. A member of the LUX Scotland team will keep a track of who wishes to contribute. We ask that you keep your microphones on mute.

LUX Scotland is dedicated to providing a welcoming online environment for everyone, regardless of gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, or religion or belief. Participants who do not adhere to this code of conduct and the participation guidelines will be asked to leave the event.

If you require support to participate in our online events, or have any questions, please let us know by contacting us on email hidden; JavaScript is required or by phoning or texting 0739 4042 450, and we will be happy to assist.

We welcome feedback on how these online events have been organised and facilitated in order to improve them as we go forward, in acknowledgment that this is a learning curve and adjustment period for us all. An evaluation form will be circulated at the end of the event along with any references, links or materials brought up during the discussion.

Part of Now & Next

Now & Next was a talent development scheme in partnership with Creative Scotland and BBC Scotland that ran from 2019 to 2022.

Learn more